Friday, January 4, 2019

The Pearl Clutching Tone Police and The End of Civility...


So the usual suspects are clutching their pearls and wincing as their panties gets all knotted because newly elected Rep. Rashida Tlaib told party goers that the Dems were going to “impeach the motherfucker!”... <sarcasm> Oh the horror... think about the children! What happened to civility? </sarcasm> … What happened to “When they go low, we go high?” and all the other lip service that goes along with the “Tone Police(TM)”

Don't misunderstand my sentiment here... I adore Mrs. Obama who first said “When they go low, we go high”, but that was a statement made in a more normal time and place.  That was before November 6th, 2016... That was before The Mango Menace was sworn in on January 20th, 2017... We are well beyond normal here...
We have a criminal, conman and grifter in the White House.  We have a creature impersonating a human being as POTUS who has installed every crooked rat bastard he could find in Governmental positions to plunder and pillage this country.  We have a amoral, credibly accused rapist as Commander in Chief who has destroyed our reputation on the world stage, wrecked decades long relationships around the world.  We have a cockroach in an Edgar suit acting like a 3rd world dictator who is wrecking everything good about this country.  He calls Nazi's “very fine people”, encourages his mindless minions to violence, insults our former allies, withdraws from international agreements that his 4th grade educated mind can't grasp and runs around this country holding his pseudo-Nazi rally's like a spray tanned Hitler.  We are WAY WAY WAY beyond normal here and it's about time we as Democrats took off the kid gloves and started fighting dirty!!!

As the great Alice Cooper said “No more Mister Nice Guy”... We've tried to go high for 40 years as the GOP got crazier and more vile... We tried to be the “Adults” in the room as these evil bastards slowly and methodically raped and pillaged the Government with cycle after cycle of failed tax breaks for Corporate Interests and the Billionaire and Millionaires of this country... With the resulting economic crashes that any competent economist has warned the about over and over again, yet they keep insisting that just one more round of tax cuts will make us all rich... 

The Great Lie of “Trickle Down” economic policy...

For all those clutching their pearls about Rep. Rashida Tlaib and her “impeach the motherfucker!” comment I have only one thing to say...

Sit the FUCK Down and Shut the FUCK up...
Your time as the Tone Police is done...

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