Well here we go again, the anti-choice, Teabilly, meatstick Republican party has done it once again. This time they’ve made the U.S. a laughing stock in the international community with their obsessive, narrow minded idiocy.
On December 3rd, 2012 the U.S. Senate voted on a measure to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Just a bit of background here on what the treaty was.
The U.N. drafted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities treaty based on the Americans with Disabilities Act. The act covers the following:
Employment - Title I
Services - Title II
Public Transportation
Public Accomodations - Title III
(Hotel Accomodations, Modifications of existing structures)
Miscellaneous provisions - Title v
Telegraphs, telephones, and radiotelegraphs
No where in this law does it cover Medical issues or Education.
These Republicans voted no on ratification based on some insane conspiracy theory that says that the U.N. was going to come in and take away their right to home school their children and give the disabled equal rights to abortion.
Alexander (R-TN) Blunt (R-MO) Boozman (R-AR)
Burr (R-NC) Chambliss (R-GA) Coats (R-IN)
Coburn (R-OK) Cochran (R-MS) Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) DeMint (R-SC)
Enzi (R-WY) Graham (R-SC) Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT) Heller (R-NV) Hoeven (R-ND)
Hutchison (R-TX) Inhofe (R-OK) Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE) Johnson (R-WI) Kyl (R-AZ)
Lee (R-UT) McConnell (R-KY) Moran (R-KS)
Paul (R-KY) Portman (R-OH) Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS) Rubio (R-FL) Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL) Thune (R-SD) Toomey (R-PA)
Vitter (R-LA) Wicker (R-MS)
This is the level of crazy we are dealing with here and just a quick scanning of some of the crazy rightwing reports on this vote showed me that there are way too many ignorant conspiracy theory loving nutbags that call themselves informed citizens.
Honestly after reading just a few of their responses I need a damned shower to try and scrub off the stupid that might have rubbed off.
These people are so paranoid that someone will take away their right to teach their spawn that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time and push their small minded religious beliefs on others that they’ve just made this country look like it’s run by country bumpkins.
If one of these Senators is from your state please for the good of this country make sure you vote in the 2014 midterm elections and remove them from office.
On a personal note... I am disabled, I do vote and I will not forget...
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