Tuesday, June 26, 2018

An Angry Liberal Nerd response to the RWNJ Call for Civility

Now that the Left is fighting back, now that the left has said, “ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT!”. Now that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Steven Miller and a few other of the Cabal of Fascists, Fascist enablers, Fascist liars and Fascist Mouthpieces are being ostracized and shunned for the evil and hate they spew. Now that a few of the Racist, Homophobic, Misogynistic, Evangelical scumbags are getting a taste of their own medicine, now they whine and moan about being civil.

Where were the calls from the right for civility when Heather Heyer was killed in Charlottesville and 19 others were injured when James Alex Fields drove his car into the crowd of peaceful protesters?

Where were the calls after 21 year old White Supremacist Dylan Roof walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina and killed 9 people with an semi-automatic weapon including South Carolina state senator Clementa C. Pinckney?

Where were the calls for civility when a group of African American people in Oakland, California had the cops called on them for having a barbecue?

Now that the left is fighting back and exposing their lies and hate the right wants civility... Now that people are standing up and facing down the violence and hate coming from the Right they get all sorts of feefees hurt...

Well to quote their own Bullshit, “Fuck your feelings!”

After 8 years of the RWNJ's posting memes of President Obama and The First Lady as Apes , Screaming in Faux outrage about the Tan Suit President Obama wore, The outrage about the Sleeveless dress First Lady Michelle Obama wore, The Faux lynchings that the RWNJ's never said a peep about, The unprecedented level of disrespect President Obama faced for 8 years. Now they whine and moan about protesters marching against their Fascist, Racist, Homophobic, Misogynistic agenda.

Now that they're getting a well earned level of backlash against the constant lies, hate and bile they've spewed for 30+ years they want to play the victim card...

Again I say, “Fuck your feelings!”

We will confront your hate, your racism, your white supremacist marches, your everyday racist bullshit and punch back. We've tried to be reasonable and get called pussies for it. We've tried to work with you for 30+ years to mitigate your hate and lies and you've spit in our faces and bullied the LGBTQ communities, African Americans, and anyone else that your FAKE God hates according to the twisted Evangelical Christian bullshit.


So to close this post dear snowflake RWNJ's I say, “Fuck your feelings!”... Oh... and FUCK YOU TOO...